Good News for Philhealth members! You don't need to visit the office just to inquire about your PhilHealth contribution. You can now easily check it via My PhilHealth online portal. You can register online account anytime wherever you are.
Just make sure that you know you Philhealth number and remember your data when you initially registered with an active working email address.
Here is the steps on how to do online registration.
- Go to Click on the "Register" link under Electronic registration.
- Fill out the PhilHealth registration. You will need your PhilHealth number (without the dash -) and other personal information like your birthday and complete name. Also, you need to enter a working email address because PhilHealth will send the activation link and your login credentials or username and password in the email that you provide. Select three security questions and provide answers to each question, this will use every time you access your account. Enter the security code number, then click “Submit Registration” if all data are entered.Check Philhealth contribution - registration form
- A small popup confirmation window will appear after you submit your registration confirming your registration has successfully sent and you need to check your email for activation link.Check PhilHealth Contribution
- Access your email account that you provide during the registration. A ppin and password will be sent to your email address that you can use to login to the PhilHealth portal. The pin is usually your PhilHealth number and they provide your password. Below that click the link to activate your account.Check Philhealth Contribution online - Confimation email
- When you click the activation link you will redirected to a page confirming that your account is activated, click the Login link to login using the PIN and password that you have received via email.
- It will take you back to PhilHealth homepage, but this time you already registered and ready to login, head on to the login form on the right side of the page and enter the credentials (PIN & Password).Check PhilHealth Contribution online
- Provide the answer to the security question, if you remember you enter an answer when you fill up the registration form.Check Philhealth Contribution Online
- Now you are inside the system, you can see your static information and can access the Members Profiles where you can check your beneficiaries. Premium Contribution to check your total monthly contribution.Check Philhealth contribution online
- Clicking the “Premium Contribution” will take you to this page where you can see the amount you paid in every month, how much the total share of your employer, total contributed months and the total mount of your contribution.Check Philhealth contribution online
This online system of PhilHealth is a big help for the members to monitor their contribution. For the employed members they can check if their employer are remitting the exact amount that they are deducting in the salary.
Please do note that the online portal don't have the option yet to update your Member Data Record (MDR). If you will contact PhilHeath via email or phone they will advised to to go to the nearest PhilHealth office to update MDR.
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