Miss France Iris Mittenaere is the crowned winner in the 65th year of Miss Universe held in Mall of Asia Arena, Philippines.

This years pageant format is completely different from the past years.
From total of 28 candidates, Top 13 were chosen to make it to the next cut. From 13, were chosen then followed but Top 6. After the Q&A the top 3 was then chosen.
Below were the transcript of the Q&A of Top 6 and Top 3
Miss Universe 2016 TOP 6 Question and Answer (Q&A) Portion
Philippines: What is the most significant change you’ve seen in the world in the last 10 years?
Answer: The last 10 years of being here in the world is that I saw all the people being in one event like this in Miss Universe and it’s something big to us that we are one, as one nation, we are all together.
Kenya: What concerns you about the presidency of Donald Trump?
Answer:I feel that once Donald Trump took up his position he will able to unify the entire nation.
Thailand: Name a current or past leader you admire and why?
Answer: For me that would be the King of Thailand. His majesty has been working tirelessly on behalf of the Thai people ever since I was born. For all the Thai people, his majesty has been like a father to us.
France: Do countries have the obligation to accept refugees or do they have the right to close their boarders?
Answer: The country should have the rights to open or close their boarders. In Europe we have open boarders. In France, we want to the have most globalization and the biggest exchange of people as we can. Having an open boarders allows us to travel more to the world and to find out more what’s out there in the world.
Haiti: On January 21st, an estimated 4.8M people marched for Human Rights. If you were able to participate? What would you have been marching for.
Answer: I feel like we need each other and respect each other.
Colombia: Why do you believe that violence is so prevalent in today’s society and what can we do about it?
Answer: I come from a country that does have violence and this is my reference point. Although, there are presidents who don’t get along with each other we worked together to reunite. Campaigns, respect and inclusivity to be able to have a social transformation to educate our children.
Miss Universe 2016 Final 3 Question and Answer (Q&A) Portion
Question: Name something over the course of your life that you failed at and tell us what you learned from that experience.
Colombia: I think that many times, one makes mistakes for many things. There were moments when you don’t accept someone for their differences, sexual preferences, and you’re not capable of accepting their error. I think of any those experience gives you the opportunity to have strength and value and principles.
France: I failed several times in my life. When you fail you have to be elevated and you have keep going. If tonight I will not be the winner I am still honored that I’m still one of the three finalists. For me this is a great opportunity.
Haiti: About 7 years ago, I survived the earthquake, I feel like I was failing myself because I was not living my dreams, I was living day by day in that earthquake. It was a bad event but I chose to be a positive person and learned a great lesson from it. If I am here today, it’s because I am living my dreams.
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