I am sure that I haven't had enough sleep today. Last night when I check the time before I went to bed it was already 1:30 in the morning. Then my phone rung around 5:00 am Then the computer alarmed at 7:00 am. However beyond this almost sleepless night felt so recharged when I wok up. I can't explain where is that excitement in me coming from. I felt so alive during our praise and worship. I just can't stop myself from being moved by the messages of the songs.I was also blessed by the message that Ptr. Joel Pan shared.
After the worship service I had lunch with Jonel, Joel, Kuya Ruther and Eljay at Jolibee. Not knowing that Ate Mabel also prepared food to celebrate Jonel's birthday. I really love the spaghetti that she prepared as well as the Tulingan in coco milk with saluyot.
During our Youth Fellowship I am over joyed by the number of young people who attended. I'm really blessed to see old faces. Jonel prepared some games that made everyone happy. After the fellowship we went back to Ptr's house to have our snack. We had Macaroni soup that was cooked by Ate Mabel and sponsored by Jonel. I thought that it was the end of my Sunday but it isn't. We stayed in Ptr's house and had more bonding time with the Senior young people.
When Kuya Ruther came the boys to the internet shop and spent an hour there. Before going back home we ate lugaw that really made me perspired.