I just got home a short yet very great vacation from San Pascual, Batangas in Jonel"s place. Thank God for His guidance. I really had a great time with this vacation together with Kuya Ruther, Eljay and Joel.
We left Malabon at pass seven in the morning since Ate Mabel had to convince Joel to come with. He was so hesitant to come with us. Thank you Lord for the convincing power of Ate Mabel. it was really a great help. Without Joel with us I am sure that our vacation won't be that fun. Anyway we rode a bus from ALPS going to Batangas. Before we went to Tanauan we ate in a Karinderia. Honestly the food was not that good except for the Adobo. The serving is not enough. We just ate there since we don't have a choice because we were so hungry that time. When we reached the house of Jonel we just stayed there for a while after lunch then we went back to the city. We went bowling. It's just duck pin yet it was fun. After playing we got hungry a gain since it was time for another snack. We went to SM Batangas to have some snack and bought some ingredients to the pancit. We visited Pastor Sonny's house before we went back to Joenl's house. After our great supper we went swimming in Villa Ester Resort. There were only five of us in that entire resort and we had great fun. Sorry if I can't be that detailed with this post since I'm in a hurry. I just want to summarize that things that are in my mind right now. Thank you Lord for another wonderful vacation that you have given me. Thank you cause you are so great!