Guide me today my Lord as I start to walk again in this journey called life. Fill my minds with happy thoughts and my heart with an overflowing joy. Today, I pray that your character will reflect upon me. I pray that more than Edison, people would see a person that was renewed and changed by you. Thank you for another chance that you have given me to inspire and to touch lives of other people. Guide me today Oh Lord. Teach me to follow your ways and not the desires of my flesh. Let my weakness be my strength. For whenever I'm weak, you make me strong. In my weakness your strength and power is revealed. My desire is that I could honor and glorify your holy name today Oh Lord. May this Christian be Christ like. Thank you my Father for being faithful to us, from generation to generation. Thank you for being true to your word. You are really awesome. You rocks! You are the God of my salvation. You are the everlasting God. The God of all creation. The reason for my existence. And apart from you I am nothing. Continue to reveal yourself to my My God. As I start a new day today, may I know you more deeper day by day.