Today, actually yesterday I have received my backpay. Though it wasn't that big, I still thank God for this blessing. I went to MCU and looked for a computer. I saw this net book and decided to buy it. It is just a refurbish computer yet it still works. I may have complaints but instead of complaining the best thing to do is to thank the Lord for this wonderful blessing. My prayer Lord is that you may bless this and use this computer for me to be more productive in serving you. May this computer be use for you glory. Thank you so much Lord.
Thank you Lord because though I have a headache, I still was able to attend the prayer meeting. Thank you for the words that I have heard. Thank you for using Ate Lorna to deliver you words to us. Thank you father because I know that you heard our prayers. Thank you also for our snack that bro. Ading cooked. He cooked pancit. Thank yo Lord for everything.